part of the church is not affiliated with, nor endorces any of the sites or organizations listed here. We are not responsible for the content or any subsequent links therein. This page is a service to help you, but you yourself must be responsible for your own actions.
...In the spirit of Tradition Six, is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution.
Hmmm... You're already at the Del Ray website. Right? Right! So, why'd ya click on the link?
Perhaps you thought it was the old site. yuP! I'll bet that's what it was! *OR*, if you are a true alcoholic, like myself, you just-had-to see why it was there and where it would go! Cos, lets face it! You are mindlessly surfing around, clicking on shiny links! Right?
Well... Ya! The old site still lives in the Wordpress dot com thing, but the URL (address) points to here now. Even the alternate link points here. That is some deeeP developer stuff I could figure out and tweak, but...
Unfortunately, I do *NOT* get paid to do this!
(but it's aweomse! Right?)
The twisted ex-drinker ex-stoner ex-tweaker that I am will eventually finger it out and put a link to it, but for now...
Please enjoy the current
Del Ray website